Friday, January 21, 2011


I've thought about writing a blog for a long time, in fact, it's one of my New Years' Resolutions for 2011...and there are a few.
There are many reasons not to begin.  I have 2 x side business's which are doing quite well and could definitely use some more attention.  I have a 5 year old who could always benefit from some more attention.   Those are only two of the very obvious reasons. 
Other reasons are I should be out and about, should be cleaning the house, could be learning a language  or golf lessons something.......
Main reasons for procrastinating over the blog are....what to name it (for example I tried 'a little bit naive' which I really like as a heading and sums me up perfectly.  However, I didn't put any spaces in the header so it came out one word and I can't figure out how to edit it!  I could have left it and pretended it was ironic but no...), or which template to use.....if I'm only half arsed what's the point...wait until I can dedicate all of my time to making it perfect I self absorbed to write a blog(well yes but that's only one reason) what would people think, do I think I'm in a movie, what about how my grammar is real bad, how do I know I'm blogging right?
Like anything new I'm starting I have decided to jump in and figure it out as I go.  I have learnt that it is only in the 'doing' that opportunities come your way.  It's ok if you don't know what you want to do, you just have to start and 'do' something, then something else will come out of it.  It's doing nothing that leads to..nothing.
So I am no longer is my first blog post!  Poor it may be, I may look back and think eywww, what a tool.  Nevertheless here it is.
This blog post has also served as a diversion (read procrastination) to the giant workload and exercise I meant to be performing right now. 

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